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A Thought Away Premium Prayer Card

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The A Thought Away Premium Prayer Card features a peaceful design with a serene cloud backdrop, offering a comforting message of remembrance. This prayer card is crafted with attention to detail, providing a beautiful way to commemorate your loved one and share a heartfelt message with family and friends.

This memorial card is perfect for sharing at funeral services, memorials, or as keepsakes for family and friends. Our custom prayer cards, also known as memorial prayer cards, are fully customizable with a photo, personal details, and a meaningful prayer or poem. Choose from a variety of designs to find the perfect way to honor and remember your loved one.

3" x 4.75"
Gold Foil - Included on all Premium Cards
Velvet Touch Lamination
120# Gloss cover weight stock
Printed 4C - Full Color on both sides
Round Cornering