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Feather Cross Program

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The Feather Cross Funeral Program offers a gentle and spiritual way to honor a loved one’s life and legacy. Featuring a beautifully crafted white cross with a soft feather resting alongside, this design symbolizes faith, peace, and the journey to eternal rest. The rustic wood background and personal photo space on the front create a timeless tribute that speaks to the beauty of faith and remembrance.

Perfect for families seeking a spiritual and peaceful design, the Feather Cross Funeral Program provides ample space for an order of service, personal messages, and photos, allowing you to create a lasting keepsake for friends and family.

Flat 8.5 x 11
Folded to 5.5” x 8.5” 
Printed 4c on both sides
100# Gloss text weight stock
Completely Customizeable
Available in 4-8-12-16-20 pages or more